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List of 2005 Earmarks

In fiscal year 2005, there were 59 earmarks totaling $41,487,000.

Agency:    Department of the Interior
Bureau:    United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Account:    Resource management
Certifying Official:    Budget Officer
Certifying Organization:    US Fish and Wildlife Service

To view information about the earmark, click on the earmark title.

2005 Earmarks Amount ($K)
Alaska Marine Mammal Commissions$1,173
Alaska SeaLife Center - eider and sea otter recovery$1,775
Atlantic Salmon Recovery activities administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation$1,972
Bald eagle restoration work performed in cooperation with the Vermont Natural Heritage Program$99
Caddo Lake$394
California Fisher$295
Cedar City, UT ES Office$99
Chronic Wasting Disease Research$394
Colorado River Recovery$690
Concho water snake$246
Conservation/Restoration at Don Edwards$532
Florida Manatee Rescue and Carcass Salvage$197
Funding for Atlanta, GA Port of Entry$247
Funding for Caribbean NWRs$98
Funding for Louisville, KY Port of Entry$444
Funding for Memphis, TN Port of Entry$444
GIS Mapping of AK NWRs$986
Georgia Streambank Restoration$493
Hawaii Community Conservation$740
Hawaii Invasives$690
Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group$172
Idaho Sage Grouse$296
James Campbell NWR$1,972
Kootenai River Burbot$148
Lahontan Cuttroat Trout$491
Lake Sakakawea Invasive Species$99
Long Live the Kings$197
Middle Rio Grande Bosque$422
Midway Operations$3,826
Montana Whirling Disease Foundation$345
Montana Wildlife Conservation Plan Development$394
NH Audubon Society Study$419
National Partnership for the Management of Wild and Native Coldwater Fisheries$985
Natural Communities Conservation Plan$986
Nevada Biodiversity Initiative$1,227
New Hampshire Lakes Association$54
Pacific Salmon Grants - NFWF$1,972
Platte River Recovery$986
Restoration in the Tunkhannock and Bowman Creek watersheds in Pennsylvania$740
Slick Spot Peppergrass$50
Space Funding for three Ports of Entry$311
Spartina Control at Willapa NWR$690
Susquehanna Fish Passage$493
Tahoe Yellow cress$99
Tampa and Florida Panhandle Field Offices (1 of 2)$495
Tampa and Florida Panhandle Field Offices (2 of 2)$113
Technical assistance at the New Jersey Meadowlands$177
Thunder Basin Grasslands Initiative$247
Vehicle Replacement Additional Funding$444
Visitor Facility Enhancements$1,972
WA State Hatchery Review$2,465
WA State Mass Marking$2,071
Walla Walla Fish Passage$247
Washington Salmon Enhancement Groups$1,381
White Sulphur Springs Mussel Recovery$345
Wildlife Enterprise Program at Mississippi State University$986
Wolf Monitoring (Idaho Office of Species Conservation)$720
Wolf Monitoring (Nez Perce Tribe)$343
Wolf Monitoring (Snake River Basin FWO)$99

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